in the waning seconds of the 2nd half, the hogs were given ample opportunity to give the game away. missed free throws, turnovers, stupid fouls and bad luck were not enough to supress the hogs will to pull out a victory. with seconds left on the clock and the game's final result in the balance, superstar Ron Brewer made a crucial steal in the gators backcourt to seal their fate. the victory was not lost on mr mayor as he used the renewed sense of optimism to shore up his base for one final push into march madness, "now hear this, it was a big victory for our ballclub and our players. they really stepped up and gave the fans a taste of old school hog ball. i see no reason why we shouldn't win out, sweep the sec tournament and move on to the field of 64. i have been saying all year this was the best team in the SEC. if there are no objections, i move we extend Kwanzaa for another, say, 6 weeks, until the end of march. we must carry on. we cannot walk alone, we cannot turn back. now let's call those hogs. whoooo pig, sooieee.. whooo pig sooiee... whooo pig sooieee, razorbacks.... go hogs.
now can wally hall go fuck himself and can somebody get me a budweiser? it's tourny time...."
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