no surprise here.. Cheney at 18% approval
friends discussing the events of the day over a cold beer
"now hear this, i don't want everyone to get down on the hogs just yet. the season isn't over. we must support our hogs. go hogs. go hogs. go hogs. whoooo pig!!!!"
apparently mr mayor drew some skepticism from his own security detail who was seen drinking budweisers and heckling the mayor to the point where the exchange became quite heated.
the next game will be this Sat v the 10th ranked Gators. should be interesting.. stay tuned
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Bush administration officials said they had been caught by surprise when they were told on Tuesday, Aug. 30, that a levee had broken, allowing floodwaters to engulf
But Congressional investigators have now learned that an eyewitness account of the flooding from a federal emergency official reached the Homeland Security Department's headquarters starting at 9:27 p.m. the day before, and the White House itself at midnight.
President Bush was resting comfortably at his ranch in Crawford as thousands of people along the
Thank you, Mr. President for standing tall in times of crises.