Monday, June 26, 2006

Drop by this Fucker's site and say hello......

what a clusterhuckabee......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i must, in full disclosure of being drunk and having bought some cool comic book original art at a fuckin' auction say...I WOULD LOVE TO COMMENT ON THIS FUCKIN ASS WIPE BITCH OF A STATE DODGIN' BROGUV IF THAT IS COOL WITH YOU...however, and again in full disclosure of being drunk and having bought some cool comic book original art at a ruckin' auction say...IS THIS FUCKIN' BROGUV PLAYIN' IN A BAND BUT NOT DANCIN' WITH HIS DATE...oof...scratch that...i just had to go to the potty 'cause i farted real hard...i think if i had to get off the sauce, and look at janet's (oh, shit, i just spit up on my tie...oh, shit SHIT...i don't wear a tie!)....where am i? oh yeah, the cool comics...